We have knowledge of and how to access, refer to, and inform persons with disabilities and older adults on:
- Housing choice vouchers
- Section 811 PRA
- Mainstream/Non-Elderly Disabled (NED) vouchers
- Project-Based Operating Assistance
- Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (HOME and NHT) 20% Units (LIHTC deeply affordable/accessible units)
- Fair housing
- Reasonable accommodations
- Homeownership programs
- USDA rural housing services, loans, and grants
- Local and regional housing providers, housing resources, and organizations serving persons with disabilities and older adults
- Privately financed housing opportunities and any other project-based subsidies, local-state-federal housing initiatives as they are available
- Discharge processes from various institutional and residential settings
- Home Modifications funded through the Department, PHFA, and DCED
- Olmstead requirements
- Housing First
- Trained in Prepared Renters Program (PREP) training for agencies
We have the ability to use PAHousingSearch.com as a resource for individuals:
Housing and Disabilities
Whether you’re new to the housing world, you are struggling with housing, or you’ve been in this field for a while, we can help you. Here are some ways we can help:
- Addressing a Housing Crisis: How to work through a housing crisis
- Assistance Animals: Discusses assistance animals, emotional support animals, reasonable accommodations, and more
- Eviction Prevention and Processes: Review the eviction process while giving helpful tips to prevent evictions or postpone evictions
- Home Modifications: Teaches about reasonable modifications, how they are utilized, and how/who funds them
- Housing Choice Vouchers Explained: An overview of how vouchers work and how you can apply
- Navigating Income-Based Housing Options: Goes over general housing information and definitions, income-based housing types, and applying and appealing processes
- Prepared Renter Education Program (PREP): Provides a guide through the renting process from beginning to end
- Tenants’ Rights: Fair Housing and Beyond: We cover information on tenant protections in PA- including habitability, safety, privacy, and much more
- 811 Project Rental Assistance Overview: Teaches about the 811 PRA program and how individuals can get involved.